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Review of the student-led gigs at hunter club 

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On the 13th of October different bands from West Suffolk College finally came together after practicing for 6 weeks, to fill Hunters Club with a deluge of good vibes and good music. Although the experience was free, the quality was nothing short of that of a paid show.

Grey clouds

Grey Clouds made sure their entrance was known by starting off their first song with a powerful guitar riff accompanied later by drums which helped introduce the rest of the song. Their stage presence was amplified when the guitarist started interacting with the audience- ''let's make some noise'' and all we could do was obey, the lyrics make sure to highlight how they just ''don't care'' but the quality and emotion of the performers says otherwise!

imagine from the evening of the band 'Grey Clouds'

west Suffolk asylum

Despite the fact that the lead singer delayed their performance due to nerves, the performance came out flawless! the guitars made sure to pave the way for the drums which allowed the vocals to smoothly glide across the song. Drums were definitely the centrepiece for me. A fluid transition is made to song 2 where the drummer's energy is intoxicating; you can't help but bop to every badum tiss! The third song they played was a cover, Sports by Beach Bunny, as an old fan of her this was quite a pleasant surprise; West Suffolk Asylum made sure to put their own unique twist indie rock song- the lead singers soft voice wonderfully contrasted the more 'hard' instruments, her voice kept Beach Bunny's original essence of Sports alive. 

slug house

Being one of the bands that had a lower number of members compared to the majority the competition seemed tough, but the three of them made sure to make up the energy of a group of ten! Starting the performance with great stage presence you could tel that they all felt comfortable on stage- you couldn't help but move with them! The guitarist also multi-tasked by controlling the noise whilst playing his instrument which was seriously impressive. The two guitarists and drummer blended into one which created a delicious song. 


Their newest song was their own take on Toxic by Britney Spears where Slug admitted to having unfinished lyrics, though this was unnoticeable' they showed Toxic in an alternative rock light which was unexpected but enjoyable- bringing a completely different mood to the original, it felt angrier, like the singer doesn't want to feel this way compared to the sultry original. 

Fourth song titled ''Is anybody hungry?'' left me full! The statement ''I want to take you out to dinner'' is repeated throughout and hey, I'm down. Even dropping his pick didn't stop the guitarist, what CAN stop him?

goat tomb

Rozie, who also appears in Slug, comes back on stage with more energy than before- this song highlights her vocals better, making the song feel like a siren; initially slow and luring you in but the juxtaposition of the 'rough' instruments make sure to let you know you are being led to somewhere dangerous, but you can't stop. The song's outro is everything you would expect from a good outro, it leaves you full and satisfied.


Another song that lets the drums introduce the song followed by a subtle guitar that may not initially be noticed, but without it the song would feel significantly emptier. The song makes sure to end on a cyclical note by having the drums also finish it.


The only solo artist of the evening, she brought a nice switch from the more intense bands to an emotional solo; making sure to embody the songs she sang, her vocals were like pure honey- call me a bear!

Leo limbo

Definitely one of my favourite band names but coming on last gave them the task of reviving the audience which they completed to perfection by having impeccable stage presence and eccentric instrumentals mixed with funky vocals; I was unable to take my, or ears, off! The whole performance felt like a fever dream, a bit crazy, but you make sure to tell everyone about it.

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imagine from the evening of before the show started
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