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film/arts reviews 

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Film Name: The Grand Budapest Hotel Directed by Wes Anderson Released in 2014 Genre: Comedy/Drama The film is set in the 1930s at a famous European hotel. It is about the concierge, Gustave H, and his lobby boy Zero. The lobby boy had escaped his home country because of the war and throughout the film Gustave H became his mentor and closest friend. Gustave H is arrested for murder and the movie follows the journey of the two men uncovering the truth of what really happened while also being on the run. There are different timelines going on throughout the film, it had 2 narrators, one was Zero when he was much older telling the story of his time with Gustave H and how he came to own the Hotel and the other was the man that Zero was talking to (the author) telling us what Zero had said to him during his stay at the hotel. The movie was set in four different time periods, the first one shown was of a girl at the author’s grave holding her Grand Budapest Hotel book. The next one we see is at the author’s home who says he’s going to tell us the story, it then switches to the third time period which is further back in history when the author visited the Budapest Hotel where he meets the owner of the hotel. Once he has met the owner and starts talking to him the narration switches to the owner, and it is revealed that he is Zero, who then tells the story of when he met Gustave H and about their time together when he was a Lobby Boy. The time with Gustave H and Zero is the fourth time period that is shown. The first few scenes introduce characters such as the author when he is older and then again when he is younger, along with the owner of The Grand Budapest Hotel. After that, the film begins with the unveiling of the relationship between the concierge of the hotel and an older lady (Madame D). We only see them together for a short time because not long after this the lady is found dead in her home! Gustave H, the concierge, arrives at her funeral and is greeted with anger and jealousy from her many relatives when it is found out that she left a priceless painting to him in her will. There is one man in particular filled with rage when hearing the news, this man being her nephew Dmitri. He has no plans to let this go and will do whatever it takes to be in possession of the painting. Gustave realises that the relatives are not going to take the painting and go peacefully so he replaces the painting with another and rushes out of the house. Once Gustave is back at the hotel and the painting is locked away he is approached by the police and is put under arrest for the murder of Madame D. The rest of the film follows Gustave and Zero’s journey of freeing Gustave and hiding from Dmitiri and his vendetta against Gustave H. Everything changes once a letter from the deceased Madame D is uncovered… The key characters are Gustave H, Zero/Mustafa, The Author and Dimitri. Gustave H was introduced as the concierge at the Hotel, Zero was first shown as an older man but it wasn’t said that it was him so the first time you see find out who Zero is, is when he is shown as the Lobby Boy. The author is first introduced when he is older but then for the majority of the film is shown as younger when he met Mustafa. You first see Dimitri at the funeral where he is immediately portrayed as a bad person, this is also shown by the attack on Gustave when he is given the painting and the whole movie he is dressed in all black. The cinematography in this is a very unique style, I haven't seen many other movies in a similar style. The lighting in the 2 main time frames (Gustave and Zero, and Zero and the Author) are very different, further in the past the lighting is much brighter giving a positive view on the Hotel despite all the negative events going on, further in the future when the hotel isn’t popular anymore and has very few guests the lighting is much darker with colours like brown and dark red, whereas the colours in the past time frame were mainly light pink and white. The difference in atmosphere shows the difference in popularity and the mood around the hotel. These pictures show the difference in lighting during the different time periods. I think the movie was very good but i was also quite confused because of the different time frames and because the film was very visual and not as much dialogue which meant a lot of big plot points were implied and not explicitly stated so it requires you to really think about what is going on, which is not a bad thing. I think it’s really clever the way it was done. In conclusion, I think it was a really clever movie with a very interesting plot. I wouldn’t recommend it to someone who wants an easy to watch movie but I would recommend it to someone who is a big fan of film and likes things that make them think about it.

The grand Budapest Hotel

My Rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️
Rotten tomatoes Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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BY Martha 

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On Thursday the 28th September me and 2 other people on my course went to a Banksy exhibition that was being held in Moyses Hall Museum, in the town centre of Bury St Edmunds. I enjoyed the exhibition, i think that the layout of it was well done and made it a nice relaxing walk round looking at amazing pieces of art. There was a wide variety of his different types of artwork, most of which i had never seen so that made it really interesting for me to see. The mystery of not knowing Banksy's true identity gives you more to think about while looking at his art, it makes you think about who he is, what he looks like and ultimately what type of person he is and what his thoughts were behind each individual painting. ​These are some of the pieces of Banksy's art that we saw at the exhibition. Although all these pieces look quite different you can see that he sticks to doing street art, this is one of the amazing things about Banksy, the fact that he can do so many pieces of art that at first glance seem like different styles while still sticking to his roots of street art. ​The staff at Moyses Hall were all incredibly kind and gave us free access to come in and have a look around at the art.

banksy exhibition 

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BY Martha 

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