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 2024 - 2025
The death of small town England

High streets on the decline? Since the 1980s the UKs high streets have been on the decline. With the introduction of commercialisation and predominantly shops becoming chains its lead to a lack of identity, charm and uniqueness which previously made towns and cities appealing to people from all walks of life. As well as this most towns have ‘retail parks ‘which are often on the outskirts of a town which may have a supermarket often a chain as well as a few other shops , this makes shopping trips inaccessible for those who are unable to drive , like the elderly or those who simply cannot afford the cost of running a car. Simply put , local highstreets have lost their appeal with most people doing their shopping with the likes of Tesco’s , Sainsburys and other supermarkets. As well as not being able to compete , small businesses aren’t helped by the local council as drivers have to pay for parking whereas supermarket parking is free leading to it often being more practical as people can do their shopping in one place. Towns themselves are ageing and since 1981 the number of young people living in the UK has decreased by 270,000 , whereas the number of people who are over 45 and living in towns has increased by a massive 1.3 million (via the UK think tank). Towns have no real attraction to young people as there is just not enough work , opportunities and even activities for young people to do all of these lead to a decline in footfall ultimately leading to small businesses closing and some units remain empty. However its not all doom and gloom several organisations such as powertochange are demanding the government take steps to take back the UK highstreets by not just investing in high streets, but towns that otherwise would see no care or attention by calling for local communities to have “ a seat at the table “ The highstreets are at a do or die point , they need investment and some TLC, people need this , a highstreet is the staple of a town and should remain as such , rather then hoisted in favour of what is easy and favouring large corporations that don’t value their customers , enough of highstreets being pushed on the back burner this is a critical issue that effects every single person in the UK living in towns and cities.


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