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Comedy show virgin goes to market

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As a comedy show virgin, I was both laughing boisterously and blushing profusely at the raunchy jokes being thrown out at the audience throughout the night. On the 9th of September, Kirsty Hudson hosted The Comedy Market at the Hunter Club where four comedians were invited to perform. The show began with loud music that introduced Kirsty, the compère, where she spent 5-6 minutes waking the audience up and getting them engaged before the acts came on, she also came on between each act to introduce the comedians. 

The first act, Garrett Millerick, was very good at getting the crowd involved as well as changing the characteristics between each joke to show the variety of characters, he was engaging and funny. Natalie Durkin, the second act, cleverly incorporated a song which she wrote within her act and her singing was incredibly impressive. Although her first joke was stolen by a member of the audience she effectively kept going and built on the blunder. The third act was Raj Poojara who was very good at including stories from his own life which he used and adapted for comedic value. His accents and interpretations of his dad were very well incorporated and balanced well with the rest of his act. Alasdair Beckett-King was the fourth and final act of the night, and as they say, the show definitely ended with a bang! I (again) loved the use of personal stories as they made them more relatable to members of the audience.

I was able to speak with Beckett- King and we discussed which joke was his favourite to perform (I won’t tell you though, you will just have to go see him perform to find out). Kirsty did an amazing job of finding these comedians and put on a brilliant show that made my face hurt from laughter by the end of the night. 

I loved the table layout which encouraged groups to sit together, improving the atmosphere as looking at other people's reactions often encouraged our own. Although, due to the popularity of the show I found the seating could be rather cramped in certain sections which gave it a fringe-like or claustrophobic feeling. “It was fantastic”; a quote by Warren, a comedy show newb like myself said when I spoke to him after the first act. Similar opinions were also heard with other patrons saying it “got the crowd going” and it had “lots of energy”. One thing that would need improvement is the audio quality as there was large amounts of feedback from the mic throughout and the music during the intervals was too loud and so it was very difficult to have a conversation with your fellow group members over the noise. To improve I would practice the audio before the show starts to eliminate the errors. 

With a price tag of £12 each for a show that lasts three and a half hours, filled with a variety of top class acts from around the UK, I would say that it is relatively good value for money. It’s also worth noting that the bar is open throughout the night to grab drinks. Weighing up the pros and cons, I can guarantee with almost 100% certainty that I will be going to the next Comedy Market show, check out the Hunter Club website for more details on acts in the future.

Next event 16th October                                                                                                                                                                         Keira 

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