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This year the students investigated local migration stories. They have reproted their findings in podcasts and articles. 

Neveah interviews a young person who had to flee Afghanistan, come into the UK after under treacherous conditions and go into foster care, not knowing if he would have to leave the country again. This is a hard hitting story showing the realities young people have to deal with.


New Zealand to UK

Martha interviewed family members who migrated from New Zealand to the UK to find out their motives and if there were any issues. Martha also discusses the cultural difference and ethnic diversity acceptability in the UK compared to NZ - have a listen ...

Fostering Polish Immigrants

Lilly has created a really lovely chatty podcast interviewing a family who have migrated from Poland. The young members being fostered in the UK with their mother following at a later date. Lilly's interview style makes this very personable  

Domestic Abuse Migration Culture

Mia chats with "Bella', a Portuguese child of domestic abuse, migrating, twice, from Portugal to Brazil to the UK.  Bella and her mother then had the chance to escape their abuser and received help and a refuge in the Bury St Edmunds area. This is an intelligent and emotive interview.

MMJ Students interview 

Lemn Sissay - featured on BBC BELONGINGS

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Diversity TV

Matt & WSC drama students discuss How easy is it to be a black actor on T.V. in 2022?

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the world of Disabled football

A discussion with Travis

and a grass roots

football coach

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Let's Get Conversion

Therapy Eradicated: an in-depth review of current issues by Josh

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wheelchair accessibility

Negotiating Bury St Edmunds public buildings in a wheelchair - you try it!

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is there enough support

for people with disabilities; Megan and Taz discuss UK support today

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